Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tell No One

A man's wife is murdered. 8 years later she sends him an email.
That's the hook of Tell No One. It's a pretty effective hook and the process of uncovering the chain of events leading up to this improbable event is an enjoyable ride. That said I couldn't help but feel it's one of those films that operates by making you feel clever for watching it whilst actually being in the business of complicatring what could be quite a straight forward story. The way the convoluted plot revelations are structured seems to be entirely in service of the exhilarating central chase sequence, which is no bad thing because it's a great sequence but it all leads to a bit of a Scooby Doo ending i.e. the guy/girl behind it all reveals everything in the last scene and we find out there was really no way we could have known. Worth a watch even if you end up feeling a bit cheated.

Notes: Continues the proud French cinematic tradition of ordinary chainsmoking late middle aged frenchmen having supermodel wives, see 36 Quai des Orfèvres for a particularly stunning example of this tradition.


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