Monday, June 18, 2007

The Prestige

Nice twisty how dunnit. The audience is deliberately kept confused about the order of events as a kind of patter to distract from the directors main trick. Whilst this kind of behaviour would normally irritate the hell out of me it seems totally apt for a film about the process of magic tricks. The final revelation re. Hugh Jackman's methodology is perhaps one twist too many though.


1 comment:

ecce nicholas said...

I enjoyed this one, though I thought afterwards that the film suffered a bit from intense "i want to be The Usual Suspects" ness in it's ending - not that I think The Usual Suspects was the originator of the twist ending, just that the way it set everything up at a similar tempo.

As i said though - a really enjoyable watch - i agree with you about Jackman's twist - I thought that a bit of a copout. Bale's twist was good enough, and it was worth watching a 2nd time with hindsight.

David Bowie shouldn't play people with funny accents.