Monday, May 14, 2007


A nearly successful experiment in genre isomorphism: The tropes of a noirish detective thiller are transposed onto the social structures of a US highschool movie.

The results are good, though appreciation depends to some extent on your understanding of the conventions of the genres.



Neil Stewart said...

I really enjoyed this too. I liked the way the plot made very little sense, just like a Chandler novel. Also, the way in which the characters managed to talk in hard-boiled slang, while still being convincing high school kids was good as well. Films with whatever river in LA that is are always good, I think- Repo Man, T2, some others...

Tom P said...

I thought the plot had internal consistency though. And the contrast between the tough guy image of the bad guys and the fact that they were drinking juice in their mom's kitchen was really funny.

Also, I think they're storm drains rather than rivers.

Neil Stewart said...

Probably are at least some strom drains, but: