Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hot Fuzz

Hot shot London cop Simon Pegg is stationed to a sleepy west country village where no crime ever happens and partnered with a moon faced simpleton (Nick Frost). But wait! Perhaps all is not as it seems, and maybe, just maybe the aforementioned moon faced simpleton can teach the city hot shot a thing or two after all...

Of course it's not and of course he can and of course this all leads to a gunfight of heroic proportions that had me humming the Bad Boys II theme tune all the way home.

Sean of the Dead, the team behind Hot Fuzz's previous film, was great, genuinely a horror film and at the same time genuinely a comedy, a difficult balance to get right. While Hot Fuzz doesn't quite get it's own peculiar balancing act spot on, mixing US macho cop drama (Point Break, Bad Boys 2, Die Hard etc) and British small town gothic (Wicker Man and Straw Dogs) is a stroke of genius. The direction and the acting are spot on and there's a genuine affection for and understanding of the films which are parodied, a million miles away from the crass and cynical junk like the Scary Movie series. If I had a problem with the film it's that just about every character will be recognizable to anyone who's watched any British TV over the last 5 years or so, but that's a small thing. If you like guns and/or laughing you should see this film.



Neil Stewart said...

I saw this last nigh too! I agree that it was really good, Pierce Brosnan in particular wa a treat. The false endings were a little bit annoying, but everything else was spot on.

Tom P said...

I didn't really mind the false endings, it seemed in keeping with the films homage to Tony Scott style action flicks where all relationships and plot lines must be resolved by action. c.f. that bit on the underground at the end of Speed and the last 20 minutes of both Bad Boys movies (also this is one of the reasons why the ending of Buffy season 6 falls so flat for me but that's another story).